everyone for climate foundation

The global hospitality initiative for climate protection

Our mission

Uniting the hospitality industry for climate protection

everyone for climate is a non-profit sustainability foundation working with the global hospitality industry for climate protection.

We mobilize the industry through coordinated fundraising activities to generate impact finances for climate protection. We call our initiative one for climate.

We partner together with international hotels to generate charitable donations for international organizations working in climate protection, as well as increasing guest and hotelier eco-awareness.

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Our reason to act

Everyone is responsible for our climate

Climate change is affecting us all. It is creating climate disasters, disrupting lives and livelihoods across continents, especially for the most vulnerable.

By 2020, our planet had encountered:

  • The warmest decade ever recorded
  • The highest carbon dioxide (and other greenhouse gas) emissions on record
  • A global average sea level rise by 19 cm
Our responsability

We can and we must take action

We urgently need to manage these negative trends, especially the increase in carbon dioxide emissions - the largest contributors to global warming and climate change.

Of all global industries, hospitality and tourism rely heavily on having well-preserved natural and cultural landscapes.

Despite its environmental dependencies, global hospitality and tourism activities currently account for 8% of all greenhouse gas emissions produced.

Arriving at the hotel: Partnering hotels generate "one for climate" donations per overnight stay for climate protection.
Our vision

Sustainable hospitality

With our own background deeply-rooted in hospitality and sustainability, protecting the climate is at the top of our agenda - both for current and future generations.

At everyone for climate, we align our work to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals for climate and environmental protection.

Learn more about our work here:

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Make your impact

Pioneer a big idea, together with us.

Are you an eco-minded hotelier who wants to take your sustainable impact to the next level? 

Or perhaps an industry stakeholder who wants to collaborate with us on this mission?

Find out more about how to join our community and become an advocate for sustainable hospitality:

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Contact everyone for climate

Have you got questions for us?

We welcome inquiries from prospective partners and are always happy to connect with other proactive changemakers. 


If you have any questions about our work, please reach out to us and our team will get back to you personally.
